The Bitcoin Rabbit Hole: Birthing of a New Humanity
Is a network effect created by a wider adoption of Bitcoin driving the evolution of human consciousness?
Bitcoin’s sudden price drop is triggering fear and shaking up confidence. As Bitcoin exchanges and custodians face solvency issues, a bear market flushes out bad actors and tests weak hands. It also gives us an opportunity to understand the fundamentals of this technology.
The significance of Bitcoin can’t be fully measured in economic terms. Bitcoin’s defining value proposition is ‘censorship resistance’ and ‘freedom is priceless’. At its core, Bitcoin is more than just a new type of currency. It is a magical ‘Internet of money’ with power to transform us internally in a profound way.
In 1988, an author named Yatori wrote a book titled “Unknown Man: The Mysterious Birth of a New Species”. In it, he predicted a quantum leap in evolution that can create a planetary scale change of human consciousness.
Describing it as the “natural enlightened state of Man”, he noted that this shift would allow us to go beyond ego-based survival mechanisms and claimed it would lead to miraculous talents only accessible in earlier ages to saints, sages and spiritual teachers.1
Are we on the cusp of a next stage of evolution? Interest in meditation and spirituality has been growing in recent years, especially among millennials.
I see the process of transformation unfolding in an emerging network around Bitcoin. Bitcoin ‘rabbit hole experience’ became a new cultural phenomenon. It is highly individualized; yet at the same time a shared collective experience, engaging people all over the world, with different cultures and backgrounds.
The process unfolds gradually. Once you are ‘orange pilled’, your perception of the world starts to change. You begin to question your taken-for-granted reality and the way you see things around you. You ask, “What is money?” Then you start to think about how your governments and institutions work. One question leads to another. Eventually, you start to question your own existence.
Dissolution of identity
As you go deep into a Bitcoin rabbit hole, your sense of self, who you thought you are, slowly begins to crumble. It is the dissolution of your identity that is tied to the system.
Here, the research on the complexity of the human mind, represented by different functions of two hemispheres of our brain, offers insights to understand our primary state of consciousness in the current society.
Renowned psychiatrist Dr. Ian McGilchrist in his book, “The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World”, analyzes how modern people have developed heavy reliance on the left brain. He describes how the function of the left hemisphere, its reductive and mechanical thinking has taken over our society and this resulted in suppressing the activity of the right brain that sees things holistically and that provides context.
The fiat system, with specialization of jobs, and emphasis on analytical thinking has narrowed a perspective of life. It has pushed arts and creativity to the wayside, depriving human connection and a sense of love. Centrally planned consumer economy focuses on physical existence, making us operate out of a lower instinctual level of consciousness.
Our happiness is defined through material possession. Getting on the corporate ladder of success, working 9-5 jobs that we are not happy with, we are made to chase after external rewards and validation. Being stuck in the extreme one-sidedness of the left hemisphere, we have lost connection to a larger interior respect for, and understanding of, life, beauty and the wonder that surrounds us.
As this left-brain dominance creates a lack of meaning in life, generating a sense of moral nihilism, Bitcoin has emerged to restore a balance. Its unique monetary design began to create new incentives that can free us from limited left-brain bound thinking and identity. How does this work?
In contrast to fiat money that is inflationary, Bitcoin’s built in scarcity creates deflationary effects. With an increase of our purchasing power, Bitcoin lowers time preference. One is incentivized to think long-term and forego instant gratification.
Also, Bitcoin, as the world’s first stateless currency, works autonomously - uninfluenced by any particular government monetary policy. This feature allows us to detach from the drama of political theater that is being amplified on social media.
Once we are able to zoom out, a new horizon opens up. We will gain a larger view of life and begin to examine the values pushed by our society. From changing the diet and doing exercise to practicing meditation, there has been a trend of shifting lifestyles among Bitcoiners.
They withdraw from economic activities that do not feed them and are destructive. They began to shift their attention to taking care of themselves and improving the quality of their lives.

Inside the Bitcoin rabbit hole, a kind of metamorphosis is quietly taking place. We are now able to connect with the capacities of the right brain that can provide a context and a sense of meaning in life.
The integration of the hemispheres can allow humanity to claim their untapped potential that can be realized when a balance between hemispheres is attained. 2
Activating our DNA
The invention of Bitcoin might have triggered evolutionary change. What is coded in a piece of software is a blueprint of our species- a higher state of consciousness that can be attained through synthesizing two sides of the brain.3 It is as if Proof-of-Work is being used as a coordination mechanism to facilitate the activation of new consciousness, awakening our untouched miraculous gifts.
Responding to a protocol’s call for change, people from all across cultures began unplugging themselves from the old fiat system. Using their own resources, they run a Bitcoin node that connects to the Bitcoin-peer-to-peer network. They started to receive and transmit new transactions to anchor the “natural enlightened state”.
A signal spreads at lightning speed to the entire world. Through the magic of synchronicities4, people are coming together to work collaboratively. From El Salvador and Africa to the Bitcoin Academy in New York, Bitcoin adoption is happening around the globe.
One by one, those who received transmission of higher consciousness broadcast this new way of being onto the network. It could be that this turned on a code for the proteins that create chemical chain reactions within the body to build blocks of our cells.
As more economic nodes are created, more of a new humanity - with a balance of each hemisphere - comes online. It can create a critical mass like the Hundredth Monkey Effect – appearance of new behavior that could spread among species once a critical number of its members learned a new action5.
A society that favors the left, linear and sequential thinking has kept people in an ego driven survival and fear based existence. It has unleashed an insatiable urge for control. With infinite money printing accelerating inflation, fueling resource wars and political corruption, humanity’s pursuit of power has now become destructive.

We are now at a tipping point. Bitcoin can help us change the dangerous trajectory on which we are headed. The way out of our doomed scenario is through our consciousness evolution.
Nature moves us forward. Bitcoin is an unstoppable code, seamlessly unfolding her noble design. We have long remained in the cocoon stage. Now, through the Bitcoin rabbit hole, like caterpillars turning into butterflies, we are transforming ourselves into becoming a new species.
Bitcoin activates our full potential coded in our DNA. Through a consensus of each individual choosing to run the software that supports freedom of expression, we can participate in our own evolution, building blocks of our own future.
Thanks to La Fleur Productions for proofreading the article.
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Yatori pointed out that there are unknown potentials within the brain and glandular systems relating to higher states of consciousness and that they remain dormant in our body. He elaborated how when these unused functions are activated, human beings will transform themselves to become an entirely new kind of being.
Dr. Makoto Shichida, Japanese educationalist, in his book “The Mystery of the Right Brain: Unlock Your Child’s Innate Potential”, elaborated: activation of the right hemisphere will allow us to connect the higher energies of the universe and unlock innate capacities that we were born with. From spontaneous healing of illness to telepathy, what has been discarded as a miracle by the modern scientific view of the world becomes a possible reality.
In the paper titled “Helix to Hologram”, researchers Iona Miller and Richard A. Miller, put forward a new perspective for use in examining our DNA. They proposed a new model of understanding life as fundamentally electromagnetic rather than chemical. Their research suggests DNA functions as a biocomputer and that it projects a blueprint of the organism that is translated from the electrodynamic to the molecular level.
The term ‘synchronicity’ was coined by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in 1930. It describes patterns of meaningful coincidences that cannot be explained in terms of cause and effect.
“The Hundredth Monkey Effect” is a sociological theory based on the research of the behavior of hungry monkeys living in the wild on a Japanese island. It is a supposed phenomenon that scientists observed related to the appearance of potato-washing behavior in a group of money that is spread among species once a critical number of monkeys have learned a new action.
Great. Congrats. Loved this article.
With you!
Help with a typo "in a group of money that is spread among species once a critical number of monkeys" footnote 5 in the "Birthing" post