At the heart of Bitcoin is a pregnant Virgin. By harnessing great computational power and subordinating it to the rule of consensus, the Virgin Mother invites all to participate in her creation.
Fantastic, I really love your writing!
I have only one nit to pick:
> "By using precious resources, they solve complex math problems."
The mining process is not complex. It's a simple guessing game. Like throwing darts blindfolded until you hit a bullseye.
And by virtue of not being complex it makes it easier for anyone to participate.
Thank you for pointing this out and clarifying. I fixed it now!
Fantastic, I really love your writing!
I have only one nit to pick:
> "By using precious resources, they solve complex math problems."
The mining process is not complex. It's a simple guessing game. Like throwing darts blindfolded until you hit a bullseye.
And by virtue of not being complex it makes it easier for anyone to participate.
Thank you for pointing this out and clarifying. I fixed it now!