Blessed Are the Bitcoiners, They Shall Inherit the Earth
The creator of Bitcoin delivered us a path of salvation via Proof-of-Work - a process of validating truth on our own, proving that we, human beings, are made in the image of God.
“God is Dead”, the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche declared more than 130 years ago, noting that the Enlightenment has eliminated the possibility of the existence of God. Modern society, having lost religious belief, has created nihilism. Having a sense that life has no objective meaning; many have begun to suffer from despair.
As the secularization of the West weakened moral values, a renewal of faith began around a new technology. The emergence of Bitcoin has generated optimism and joy around the world. It has created a new kind of cultural phenomenon.
Some describe it as Enlightenment 2.0. People who are inspired by the creation of sound money began to connect on the Internet, sparking philosophical and metaphysical discussion. John Vallis, host of the Bitcoin rapid-Fire podcast, recognized moral principles inherent in Bitcoin and commented on ways the protocol is fostering moral development of individuals, helping them find meaning and purpose in life.
While in the Bitcoin space, God that was once declared dead, now seems to be brought back to life, the forces of opposition intensify. Yuval Noah Harari, Israeli public intellectual and historian, re-emphasized, “God is dead. It just takes time to get rid of the body”.
Attack on the soul
Now, in the absence of God and amidst the breakdown of moral structures, Harari, lead advisor to Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), has proposed to establish a new religion based on technology.
In a speech at the WEF Annual Meeting in 2018, he spoke about how, from the beginning of life, all of life was subject to the laws of nature, and stated that this basic rule of life is about to change:
“Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design. Not the intelligent design of some god above the clouds, but our intelligent design, and the intelligent design of our clouds — the IBM cloud, the Microsoft cloud — these are the new driving forces of evolution.”
This new godhead of techno religion hates humanity. Under the rules of its technocratic overlord, we have no free will and some will be rendered a useless population. In Harari’s view, “human beings are no longer mysterious, spiritual souls”, instead, they become “hackable animals”.
What qualities of souls are now being repudiated? Poet e.e. cummings offered some insights. He described soul as our ability to have genuine feeling; something unique to us as human beings, not being possessed by the machine and robots:
“Almost anybody can learn to think or believe or know, but not a single human being can be taught to feel. Why? Because whenever you think or you believe or you know, you’re a lot of other people: but the moment you feel, you’re nobody but-yourself.
This life of feeling has been under constant threat. Behaviorism that became a dominant school of thought in psychology has gained influence in our society. It reduced complex human behavior to simple seeking for pleasure and avoidance of pain. This has been incorporated into the operation of our consumer-based economy. By stimulating purely animalistic instinct and desires, it makes people seek for instant gratification and materialistically defined happiness.
Our highly technological culture, through commercialization and elimination of the arts in education, stifled freedom of expression. Suppression of creativity led to loss of aspiration for ideals, creating low morale and emptiness. It created an epidemic of anxiety and depression, which then gets exploited by Big Pharma to profit off from their sales of prescription drugs.
The supremacy of algorithms
In this digital age, the assaults on our capacity for true feeling are increasing. Harari, who is praised by the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates and is being celebrated by tech workers in Silicon Valley, pushes a “data religion”. In this “data and information becomes a supreme source of authority and of meaning in the world”.
With a view that animals and human beings can be reducible to algorithms, he aims to replace intuition and inner feelings of individuals with mechanical processing. Harari explained how feelings are not some metaphysical quality that God gave us, but simply biochemical processes of calculations. Calling them “biochemical algorithms”, he noted:
“… what scientists and engineers are telling us more and more is that if we only have enough data and enough computing power, we can create external algorithms that understand humans and their feelings much better than humans can understand themselves. And once you have an algorithm that understands you and your feelings better than you understand yourself, that’s when authority shifts away from humans to algorithms.”
This type of application of scientific knowledge leads to a master-servant system, where scientists and technical experts elevate themselves into a position of God and turn others into their creatures.
Furthermore, through the supremacy of algorithms, the force that compromised the life of feeling now finds its way into the machine. By hijacking our natural instincts, it can seize our will and begin to exert dominance over our life world.
The rise of artificial intelligence
A computer genius, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange became aware of these gigantic forces that arose out of the Internet. Assange, who has been held in London’s maximum security prison by the US government’s politically driven prosecution, warned us; “The future of humanity is the struggle between humans that control machines and machines that control humans”.
Assange pointed out how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used in ways that conceals the underlying perception, manipulating reality at a speed and level that humans can no longer keep up with. He described it as if we are engaged in a chess game that creates many moves ahead and there is nothing we can do about it, because we can’t see it.
As the use of AI makes reality increasingly invisible, a cognitive scientist Donald D. Hoffman offers insights into the nature of perception. In the book “The Case against Reality: How Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes”, he challenges the prevailing scientific notion that our senses inform objective reality.
He argues that consciousness precedes brains and that it is fundamental to reality. According to him, reality consists of a network of interacting conscious agents. With the interface theory of perception (ITP), he explains that we do not see reality as it is and that our perception is an interface concealing a higher dimension of reality.

With this new understanding, we can see how AI programing could potentially take over the function of this interface. It would not only interfere with our cognitive processes, but also bind our perception to the activity of the nervous system that conveys stimuli, received via five senses, to the brain.
This restriction of consciousness within the brain could cut us off from our authentic feeling. As algorithms begin to dictate us how to feel, we lose our connection to the heart as the seat of our consciousness.
CBDC, programmable humans
Now, with the weakening of Western liberal democracy, along with infinite money printing creating high inflation, we are facing the collapse of our political and economic system. In this crisis, those who aspire to enshrine algorithms as a new moral authority aim to install a new system led by machine intelligence. This underpins the WEF’s Great Reset initiative, which intends to re-engineer the economy, using a central bank digital currency (CBDC) as a critical tool.
CBDC is a type of programmable new money, capable of tracking, monitoring and controlling the flow of transactions. China has become the leading edge of its development. They have applied it to the creation of a social credit scoring program - a system of moral ranking that controls the behavior of citizens.
Some see the ultimate goal of the rollout of CBDCs as being to “program people like central bank digital currencies”. Humanity can now be re-invented in the image of the machine, to act as automatons like robots - without feeling.
As the existing system unravels from beneath, the Silicon Valley tech giants like Facebook are working to transport humanity into a digitized world. Dubbed as the future of the Internet, virtual 3D platforms like Metaverse create an alternative universe, where people using VR headsets begin to live as 3D avatars, inside a virtual economy, interacting with digital assets and land.
As the social media conglomerate (which currently has over 2.9 billion monthly active users) begins to plug people into clouds to create a new social network hive mind, resistance has emerged.
Philosophy of Cypherpunks
A breakthrough in computer science brought with it an alternative vision of the future. The invention of Bitcoin challenges the techno religion, which promises salvation through technology.
Bitcoin is a project of Cypherpunks, a loosely tied online group who saw the potential of cryptography to shift the balance of power between the state and individuals. They are cryptographers with ethics. Unlike technologists, who subjugate users to their “proprietary” programs, Cypherpunks believe in the dignity of the individual, and are driven by their vision to develop technology that better strengthens humanity.
Satoshi Nakamoto, the unknown person or group behind Bitcoin, made manifest the Cypherpunks’ moral value, by writing code that can defend the freedom of individuals.
Satoshi, by launching Bitcoin as a community-driven free software project, let go of control over the technology. In this act, a creator of Bitcoin transferred the authority to each human being, and then disappeared.
Instead of a mere promise of redemption, Satoshi delivered us a path via Proof-of-Work. Here, the creator lets us all engage in the work of salvation - a process of validating truth on our own, proving that we, human beings, are made in the image of God.
Reign of the heart
Ideals of liberty enshrined in Bitcoin protocol kindles the heart of ordinary people, beginning to link them together. People from different parts of the world voluntarily chose to run Bitcoin codes, using the nodes to receive transactions and generate new economic activities.
The rules of consensus, enforced by individual users running full nodes, began to create a path of decentralization, bringing love back to computing. Bitcoin frees thoughts from their restriction to the head region and opens a way to the heart as a vessel of our consciousness. Powered by the intelligence of the human heart, the world's supercomputers are set in motion, redirecting electricity to secure the network of equal peers.
From deep inside the Bitcoin mining ring, a new heartbeat began, bringing hope to humanity. The eye of the heart sees a new future. It feels. For those who seek to enter, a new gate of perception is opened.
“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern” - William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

The birth of Bitcoin has helped creativity and freedom of expression to flourish. With the resurgence of the arts, we are now seeing a new renaissance. The life of feeling that has been resuscitated awakens the power of our imagination, which connects us to all living beings.
Technologically empowered men and women all around the world are coming together to challenge the narrow confinement of reality. Now, the future of humanity can be determined by the network of our consensus.
Competition is on, between the two divergent visions of the world. Who would occupy the empty space where God used to reside? Would the machines enslave humanity? Or can human beings gain control over machines?
We now have a choice.
Hyperbitcoinization paves the way for the reign of the human heart. Blessed are the Bitcoiners. With life affirming values, we can each become a co-creator to build a citadel of heaven here on the earth.
Thanks to La Fleur Productions for proofreading the article.
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