Bitcoin, Consciousness Revolution: Activating the Heart of Humanity
By running full nodes sovereign individuals can anchor connections to the heart firmly, subordinating the computational power to what moves our blood inside us, that which keeps us all alive.
Summary: The rapid development of biotechnology and AI is driving a new technological revolution. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is set to redesign the future of the globe. As major changes in our way of life are quietly being orchestrated, a countermovement is arising from the Internet. A network created around the invention of Bitcoin, is opening up a new path for humanity.

In mid January 2023, the World Economic Forum (WEF) held its annual summit in the Swiss resort in Davos. This year’s theme was “Cooperation in a Fragmented World”. Business and government leaders who gathered for the 5-day planning meetings tackled the issues of wars, climate change and rising inflation.
“We couldn’t meet at a more challenging time. We are confronted with so many crises simultaneously”, said Klaus Schwab, founder of WEF, addressing attendees at the opening ceremony of the annual meeting. He then asked, “What does it mean to master the future?”.

Central to the initiatives of the WEF in its plans for “the Fourth Industrial Revolution” is its ambition to create a fusion of our physical, digital, and biological identities. This vision has been termed “transhumanism”.
Dubbed as Humanity+ or H+, transhumanism is a philosophical movement that drives to fundamentally revolutionize what it means to be human via technological advancement. Through the use of robotics, AI and bioengineering, transhumanists aim to merge human beings with machines, transforming us all into “post-human beings”, a condition they view as the next stage of human evolution.
Technological upgrade of humanity
In an article published in 2016 on the WEF’s website, it was stated that the Fourth Industrial Revolution would change not only what we do, but also who we are, and our fundamental identity.
Schwab, an 84-year-old German engineer and economist, outlined ways in which the Fourth Industrial Revolution will change us as human beings. He noted that it would be achieved through genetic editing technologies. This technologically driven transformation of our species will be promoted in cyberspace. As well, there are increasing efforts to upload vital functions of our society onto the Internet.
At the WEF annual conference, the former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair called for a digitization of healthcare. He spoke about how this new infrastructure is needed, for example, for pandemic preparation, so as to know who has been vaccinated and who hasn’t.

Central Bank Digital currencies (CBDCs) are being rolled out to create new digitized economies. These digital forms of fiat money, overseen by a country’s central bank, give issuers total control, allowing them to monitor and restrict transactions in individual accounts. With the application of biometric IDs, CBDCs can be used to create a China-style social credit scoring system.
Down the Bitcoin rabbit hole
While the Fourth Industrial Revolution now gets accelerated, a new philosophical movement is spontaneously emerging from the Internet. Max Keiser, a broadcaster well known for his astute financial analysis, noted that Bitcoin, the hardest money ever created, is instigating a revolution in human consciousness.

Keiser, OG Bitcoiner, who was acknowledged as a “high priest of Bitcoin” by Michael Saylor, founder of MicroStrategy, recognized the transformative force working through the Bitcoin protocol. He depicted it with a phrase, “You don’t change Bitcoin. Bitcoin changes you”. The idea was immediately transmitted into the Bitcoin Twitterverse, generating memes and repeated like a mantra.
Keiser’s insights have now officially been validated by the network consensus of Bitcoiners who have burrowed deep into the Bitcoin rabbit hole. Those who are orangepilled enough have started to experience profound changes in their life. They go through a psychological and spiritual alteration of their identity, values and belief systems.
Some describe it as a kind of purification or purging that pushes out the old unhealthy habits and conditioning that they acquired in the fiat system. This process seems to help the person become more authentic and the best version of him or herself.
This power of catharsis brought forth by a breakthrough of computer science works quietly on each individual. Bitcoin users who accepted the upgrades that are occurring inside them slowly began to split off from the fiat network.
Religion of materialism
A bifurcation of humanity is now happening. Bitcoin is driving its network into a future divergent from the technological path of evolution led by the Davos crowd. How are they different? To explore this question, let’s look more closely at the idea of transhumanism, an engine behind the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Wesley J. Smith, a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism and the author of The War on Humans called transhumanism a religion for our postmodern times.
Smith points out that one of its hallmarks is its emphasis on the brain, noting that transhumanists place intelligence as the highest virtue. This is seen in their fixation on increasing human brain capacity and its preservation, he argues, together with their ambition to overcome the natural human limitation of death.
Numerous ideas have been put forward, such as creating a method to upload the contents of a brain into computer memory, so that a human can live forever in the cloud.
At the fundamental level, transhumanism is rooted in materialism, which is the philosophical stance that matter is the only thing that exists. It tries to explain all things as being reduced to matter. Transhumanists deny the existence of consciousness or subjective experience, reducing it to a product of electrical signals within the brain. This belief in the solely materialistic nature of reality shapes their aspiration to free the human body from biological constraints. They strive toward attaining life extension and physical immortality by means of technology.
The forces of robotic automation that were unleashed through the Industrial Revolution are now coming online to define the new digital age. Technologists, engineers and scientists, steeped in this materialistic view of life, are building a parallel digital universe constructed with mechanistic conception of nature.
Companies in Silicon Valley are advancing a digital twin technology, an Internet of Things (IoT) platform and augmented reality (the AR Cloud) that create 3D digital duplicates of the real world. Through those technologies, human consciousness can be captured into a narrow spectrum of perception, cut off from organic life.
What does it mean to be human?
Now, under cover of the climate emergency, transhumanism agendas are quietly being pushed. As the one-sided view of the world that denies anything non-physical dominates a narrative, it is important for us to engage in fundamental existential questions. What does it mean to be human? Are we just a brain, made in the image of the machine?
We human beings possess something unique that computers and robots don’t have. While a human or other vertebrate has a blood circulatory system, these mechanical beings don’t have a heart. They are like a reflection of our nervous system, without the blood delivering oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the body.
So, one could say that the heart is a critical organ that defines us, as living beings. What is heart? Artists, poets, and mystics throughout the ages have regarded it as something sacred and identified it as the intellectual and spiritual center of human life. Native Americans and many other wisdom traditions have recognized the intelligence inherent in the heart.
“My crown is in my heart, not on my head;
Not decked with diamonds and Indian stones,
Nor to be seen: my crown is called content:
A crown it is that seldom kings enjoy.” – William Shakespeare
“I am proud of my heart alone, it is the sole source of everything, all our strength, happiness and misery. All the knowledge I possess everyone else can acquire, but my heart is all my own.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Modern science fails to understand the true nature of the heart. In its mechanistic view of life, the heart became merely a pressure pump. Now, a new understanding is emerging that increasingly challenges this pump model of the heart.
In “Human Heart, Cosmic Heart: A Doctor’s Quest to Understand, Treat, and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease”, Dr. Thomas Cowan invites us to look at the heart in a new way. He describes how blood pumps the heart, not vice versa; “the action of the heart on the blood is not one creating force, but instead of using suction to increase the momentum of the blood”.
Drawing from the insights of Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner, he points out how the best model for the heart is the hydraulic ram, which is a device placed in flowing water. He then explains the function of the heart in circulation is not to pump blood through the body, but to create vortices. The vital force present in water moves the blood and the heart creates an internal vortex.
A new science is catching up with ancient knowledge, to further unveil the mystery of the heart. In recent years, a study of neurocardiology, a new field of science, has discovered that the heart has an electro-magnetic field that is greater than the electrical activity generated by the brain. The researchers at the Heart Math Institute show the existence of a brain in the heart, which interacts and communicates with the head brain.
Technology aligned with nature
Our modern society, which has reduced the heart to simply a pressure pump, also conceives of money mechanistically. The source of this economic blood is seen as a printing press. Whoever has control over the money-printing machine can pump up supplies and restrict the flow of currency, without any consideration for the health of the overall economy.
Bitcoin, through the method of decentralization, has opened a pathway to the heart. The mysterious creator of Bitcoin is like a polymath in the Renaissance era. With its unprecedented design of built-in scarcity, combined with the economic principle of risk and reward, and groundbreaking incentive structures, Satoshi created a new technology of money that is aligned with the principles of nature.

In a piece of free software, the true function of the heart is now being restored. Heart sustains our life and nurtures freedom of expression; it embraces all aspects of human nature. This includes instinctive forces within us that are often judged as negative and suppressed in our civilization which is deeply stepped in the Judeo-Christian dualistic morality.
Receiving signals from the heart, people began to interact with the protocol, to engage in mining – the process by which new bitcoins are entered into circulation. As the supercomputers around the world are set in motion, and begin to synchronize, a heartbeat rhythm has emerged from deep inside the web.
Every 10 minutes, a global network of computers eats up renewable, waste and stranded energy (such as from natural gas wells or hydroelectric dams) using them to generate electricity. With fiber optic cables that are electrically wired, forming a protective shield, miners began to supply the heart of Bitcoin with blood and oxygen. From the electromagnetic field generated through the broadcast math competition, a spiral vortex arises, bringing new life forms.
Art of being human
The invention of Bitcoin has placed the circulatory system at the foundation of money creation. Block by block, an assembly of interconnected computers driven by greed and selfishness in our blood generate exuberance to move energies. As these primordial forces within us enter into the heart, this block stream is converted into a new currency, inspiring love and creative action.
The new impulses that have now been brought to our economy began to make human beings come fully alive. Some call it Renaissance 2.0 or New Enlightenment. The birth of Bitcoin enables human creativity and freedom of expression to flourish.
The Consciousness revolution has just begun.
Hearts are beginning to speak.
Now, the potent healing force in art is unleashed.
It began to reverse the hardened arteries, to liberate humanity from machine control.
“To me, freedom of speech is something that represents the very dignity of what a human being is. . . . That’s what marks us off from the stones and the stars. You can speak freely. It is almost impossible for me to describe. It is the thing that marks us as just below the angels.”—Mario Savio on what makes us human
The human heart is the seat of the soul- our consciousness. It allows us to perceive the reality beyond the physical world and exist multidimensionally.
As people begin to reclaim the power of imagination, soul-fettering materialism comes in full force to crush it. By reinventing finance in a digital form, those who wish to master the future try to maintain their control over money to engineer a post-human society. As humanity is being sucked into a virtual world of Metaverse, Bitcoin now calls us to participate in the evolution led by the heart.
Through each of us engaging in the art of being human, we can begin to unplug ourselves from the system that mechanizes us. By running full nodes sovereign individuals can anchor connections to the heart firmly, subordinating the computational power to what moves our blood inside us, that which keeps us all alive.
The network that runs 24 hours a day, working tirelessly, can now activate the upgrade of humanity, allowing each of us to fully claim what it means to be human.
I would like to thank La Fleur Productions for proofreading the article.
A beautiful piece of writing. Thank you!